2th International Teen Short Film Festival Jury International Jury
Kang Kai Yang

Director, Screenwriter, Producer, Writer, Painter

Director of China National Theatre
Member of China TV Drama Directors Committee
Member of Chinese Society of Stage Artists
Member of Chinese Writers Association
Directed and served as the screenwriter works "That's it","Take your place", "Never compromise", "How much lovecan be renewed", "Wind and Thunder", "thirty-eight de-grees below zero", “Under Cover", “The Blizzard", di-
rected works "If there is Tomorrow", "My burning love
years", "You are my happiness". "No Forgiveness". Pro-
ducer works "Beautiful Temptation" and "Bayonet Hero".
Directed and produced "The Children Came Home", "See
You Again" and "Chinese-Style Harmony" (the short film
won the Silver Award for Visual Works at the Florence In-
ternational Modern Art Biennale in Italy)
"Wind and Thunder" won the best director at the 9th Si-
no-American Film Festival, and "The Blizzard" won the
Golden Angel Award for Outstanding Works.
Song Chunli

National first-class actor
Vice President of China Film Performance Society

Song Chunli's film “Yan Yang House" was nominated forBest Supporting Actress at the 8th Golden Rooster Awardsin China. "Rain and Beauty" won the Best Actress award atthe 13th TV Flying Awards, and "Plainclothes Police" wonthe Best Supporting Actress award at the 6th TV FlyingAwards. “Jiu Xiang" won the Best Actress award at the17th Chinese Film Golden Rooster Awards. "The DayWithout My Comrade" won the 20th "Hundred FlowersAward" Best Supporting actress Award, the fourth Chang-
chun Film Festival Best Supporting actress award.
Wang Haowei

Writer, Director, Producer

In 1974, she directed her first film "Hai Xia". In 1979, sheindependently directed the comedy film “What a Family",which won the Excellent Film Award of the Ministry of Cul-
ture. In 1981, she directed the love film "Hidden Net",
which won the Jury Prize at the Figrada Fuge International
Film Festival in Portugal. In 1985, the drama film "Charming
Band" won the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television Ex-
cellent Film Award and the Golden Rooster Award Special
Award. In 1989, the drama film “Oh! Sweet Snow" direct-
ed by her was released, which won the International Chil-
dren's Youth Center Art Prize at the 41st Berlin Film Festi-

The 35th China Film Golden Rooster Award honors film
artists for lifetime achievement.
Che Jing Xing


In 1997, the director of the large-scale documentary"Saying the Basic Law of Hong Kong" won the "Five andone Project Award", "Chinese Population Culture Award"and other awards.
In 2005, the director of the film "The Story of Land andFarmers" won the "Best Feature Film Director Award"issued by the Canadian World Chinese Media.
In 2014, China Children's Cultural Foundation awarded"Charity Artist".
In 2014, China Children's Cultural Foundation awarded the"Top Ten Charity Ambassadors".
In 2014, he was hired by Beijing Public Security LiteraryFederation as the consultant of "Beijing Public SecurityLiterary Federation Film and Television Professional ClerkAssociation".

Directing works include: "The Next Stop is Happiness","The Secret of Three Women", "Stealinglegend”, "Are youReady to Marry Me”
Ma Li Zhu


Participated in the directing of the TV series: "SunYat-sen", "Ren Changxia", "Gobi Mother" and won the firstprize of Feitian Award and Golden Eagle Award.

The documentary film “Tie Xue Can Yang" won the Bestdocumentary award at the Sino-American Film Festival.
The TV drama "The Happy Life of Zhang Damin" won thebest editing award.
Xiu Jing Shuang

Famous Actor

The drama won the first Shanghai Magnolia Award for BestActor nomination
The drama "Vanishing Rain Dot" won the "Best Actress"award at the second Shanghai Magnolia Award

"The Lady Left Behind" won the "Best Actress" award at the16th Cairo International Film Festival
The film “Gang Cuo General" won the "Best Feature Film"award of the Ministry of Radio and Television
TV drama "Big Tide" won the 14th Flying Sky Award "FirstPrize"
She was named pace-setter in Shanghai's New LongMarch
Personally won Shanghai Baosteel Serious Art Award

Main film and television works: "The Lady Left Behind","Fantasy in the Morgue", “Gang Cuo General", "AngryIsland”,”Warm Current," "Thirst for Passion," "SixteenYears Old," "The Flame," “Girl Five," "The Tide”,"TheCity," "Here Come the Dogs," "Wildfire," "Fly North."
Wang Zuo

Member of China Television Artists Association
Member of Chinese Society of Film and Television Pho-
He has worked as a photographer in films and TV series
such as "Tilt", "Ancestral House", "Battling Tianfu", "A Thou-
sand Li Leap into Dabie Mountain", "Son of the Desert",
"Heaven", "The Land of Love", "The Iron Warrior", "The Holy
Land in the heart", "Rain Hits Plantain", "The Love of the
Border City" and "The Watchwoman".
International Teen Short Film Festival